Medical Legal Expert in Birmingham

Medical Legal Expert in BirminghamA medical legal expert in Birmingham may be called when a surgery goes wrong. Or the surgery may have gone well but does not meet a patients expectations. The resulting lawsuit by one party against another calls for a professional in that particular field of medicine to separate truth from allegations. Sometimes it’s enough to counsel the solicitor on certain facts and other times a written opinion based on medico-legal understanding is necessary. Occasionally, a medical legal expert will be asked to testify to his or her findings in open court. When the medical legal expert you seek is an ear, nose and throat specialist, that is Professor Tim Woolford’s area of practice and expertise. He has 20 years of experience treating ear, nose and throat patients.

His clinic is a busy one and in addition to his private practice he has 18 years’ experience as medico-legal for all manner of ear, nose and throat  surgery. In Birmingham, a medical legal expert provides testimony including courtroom appearances for personal injury and negligence cases for both claimants and defendants. His purpose as a medical legal expert is to clarify the medical information presented regardless of whose side he testifies for. A patient brings a lawsuit against her surgeon because when he reset her broken nose it no longer looked exactly like the original. Tim Woolford’s only purpose is to clarify the procedure and reasonable possibilities. The judge is going to decide if the claimant’s expectations are realistic based partly on my unbiased testimony. He will be asked for my opinion.

As a medical legal expert in Birmingham he takes each request presented by a solicitor very seriously. As the client of that solicitor, you will want a top expert in the field of medicine being addressed to be beyond refute. His professional contributions to his specialty extend to teaching, writing, holding leadership offices and representing his speciality on the Royal College of Surgeons committees. His specialty includes cosmetic and aesthetic plastic surgery. Solicitors may call our ENT medical -legal expert services and schedule a consultation. These consultations are free while he evaluate the merits of my involvement and which approach would be helpful to you and your client.

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