Professor Tim Woolford is the medical legal expert in London for solicitors requiring experts who keep to an agreed timeframe. He provides reports which give a clear and concise medico-legal opinion based on an understanding of current Civil Procedure Rules. Personal communication to clarify key aspects of the case is often helpful, particularly in complex cases. Professor Woolford is therefore happy to discuss cases with solicitors prior to instruction at no cost, or as cases move forward. Professor Woolford is a Consultant Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon at the University Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Manchester Royal Infirmary and Spire Manchester Hospital. He also holds an Honorary Clinical Chair at Edge Hill University. He has 20 years of experience in managing patients with ear, nose and throat conditions.
If you are a solicitor and require expert opinion for a case contact Professor Tim Woolford. In London, medical legal expert advice is of key importance for personal injury and ENT surgery cases. He has provided expert testimony for numerous medical negligence cases acting for the claimant and defendant. He has valuable courtroom experience and in 2018 was selected or the Annual Lawyer Monthly Expert Witness Award for ENT.
The professional standing of Professor Woolford Confirms his expertise as a medical legal expert in London. He is the past President of the British Facial Plastic Surgery Society and current President of the Section of Rhinology and Laryngology of the Royal Society of Medicine and a Trustee of the British Rhinological Society.
He has represented his speciality on the Royal College of Surgeons Interspecialty Committee on Cosmetic Surgery and has previously been a Royal College of Surgeons Examiner in Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. He is the Associated Editor of the journal of Laryngology and Otology and previous Academic Chair of the British Academic Conference of Otolaryngology. When you need a medical legal expert, contact Professor Tim Woolford. He is an invited Interspecialty member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Professor Tim Woolford Is highly qualified to provide opinion as an ENT Medico Legal Expert.